
We are days away from WFOP 2024! We will be in the kitchen, with limited capacity, to prepare delicious meals for citizens of our community. We Feed Our People is sponsoring several events as part of the Annual Weekend of Service (January 13-15):
Saturday, Jan 13
- Preparation of food, sorting and folding clothes, and site clean-up at Paul Public Charter School. The site will also serve as a drop-off location for new and gently used clothing, new winter accessories, toiletries, and household goods. *Masks optional at Paul Public Charter School. Park in the back – Teachers Parking Lot.
Sunday, Jan 14
- Preparation of food, packing “lunch” bags, sorting and folding clothes, and site clean-up at Paul Public Charter School. The site will also serve as a drop-off location for new and gently used clothing, new winter accessories, toiletries, and household goods. *Masks optional at Paul Public Charter School.
Monday, Jan 15
- Warm, pack, and load food at Paul Public Charter School. Volunteers can expect to execute duties such as: warming food; packing and loading food for each site; and site clean-up. Volunteers are also needed to pick up lunch bags and distribute to unhoused citizens throughout the city.
*Masks optional at Paul Public Charter School. Park in the back – Teachers Parking Lot.
- Donation of meals, clothes, accessories to veterans at Southeast Veteran’s Service Center. Volunteers can expect to execute duties such as: site set-up, sorting and distributing clothes, accessories, and toiletries; serving hot meals; ENGAGING with the residents; and site clean-up.
- Donation of meals, household goods, clothes, and household goods to residents at New York Avenue Men’s Emergency Shelter. Volunteers should plan to be outdoors and can expect to execute duties such as: site set-up, sorting and distributing clothes, accessories, and toiletries; serving hot meals; ENGAGING with the residents; and site clean-up.
- Donation of meals, clothes, accessories, and toiletries to Bailey’s Shelter & Supportive Housing. Volunteers should plan to be outdoors can expect to execute duties such as: site set-up, accepting and sorting clothes, accessories, and toiletries; serving hot food; ENGAGING with the residents; and site clean-up.
- Distribution of 200 bagged lunches to the unhoused throughout D.C. Volunteers will receive bags at Paul Public Charter School and distribute to the unhoused community members near or around the Kennedy Center; McPherson Square; and, Virginia Ave SE & 3rd St SE.
To learn more about WFOP or make a monetary donation to our grassroots organization, please visit www.wefeedourpeople.org. All monies received benefit the people we are serving – those suffering from homelessness and the underserved in our nation’s capital and surrounding areas.
In addition, please see below for household and personal items needed by Southeast Veteran’s Service Center and ways you can help Bailey’s Crossroad Shelter directly.
*Continue to do your part to protect yourself and others from the Flu, COVID-19, and RSV. If you have symptoms or feel ill stay home, get tested, and seek treatment.
Donation Requests
Southeast Veteran’s Service Center has a larger population of men than women, and has expressed a need for the following items:
Twin Comforters | Twin Sheets |
Bath Towels | Hand towels |
Laundry detergent | Health Care Kits (toothbrush, toothpaste, body wash, lotion, and wet wipes) |
Please review the Amazon wish list (https://a.co/co06B8a) of items requested by Bailey’s Shelter (also known as New Hope). Note if an item on the Amazon wish list is reflected as unavailable feel free to select another color, as additional options may be available.
Upon check out please use the Bailey’s Crossroad Shelter address (5914 Seminary Rd, Falls Church, VA 22041) or choose “Jan Sacharko / New Hope Housing’s Gift Registry Address” for delivery, and include Happy Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and your name/WFOP in the note section if you’d like.
The wish list may also be used as a guide for purchases at other retailers. Current community needs:
- New undergarments for men and women (all sizes: small, mediums, large, extra-large)
- New/Gently used coats for men and women (all sizes welcome, greater need for large)
- Toiletries for men and women (e.g., deodorant, soap, lotion, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush/paste, lip balm)
- Backpacks
If you would like to make a monetary donation to the shelter, online/electronic donations can be made by clicking this link: https://www.newhopehousing.org/get-involved/donate/online-donations/.